1·And, at least three cluster munitions exploded over the city of Misrata.
2·Thailand fired cluster munitions into Cambodia earlier this year during a border dispute.
3·Opponents of cluster munitions say they are an indiscriminate weapon when they go off; and that unexploded bomblets turn the target area into a virtual minefield.
4·This update follows the nz superannuation fund's announcement earlier this month that it intends to divest from companies involved in the production of cluster munitions.
5·Britain is among those that have started destroying stockpiles; it has asked America to remove cluster munitions stored in Britain within the treaty's eight-year deadline.
6·The CCW framework, which includes all major producers, users and transferors of cluster munitions, provides the most appropriate platform for addressing cluster munitions issue.
7·An international treaty banning existing cluster munitions and requiring the destruction of existing stockpiles in eight years was adopted May 30 by 111 countries, including us Allies.
8·Unlike conventional bombs, cluster bombs disperse small munitions, some of which do not immediately explode, increasing the likelihood of civilian causalities.